JOIN US troop 924 logo

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Membership in Troop 924 is open to all youths between the ages of 11 and 18, or to those youths who are 10½ years old and have completed their fifth grade of school. Webelos completing the Arrow of Light may join the Troop immediately, regardless of age or grade in school.

Youths who meet these requirements should visit a maximum of three Troop meetings. During this time, each youth may participate in the Troop’s activities only if an application to join Troop 924, which has been properly signed by a parent or guardian, is on file with the Troop. (The BSA accident insurance covers only registered Scouts.) This application will not be forwarded to the local Council office for processing to become officially registered until the youth has indicated they will join Troop 924. Dues should be submitted at that time. (See Dues and Finances for fees.) At that time, the Scout will be issued a neckerchief and Scout Handbook.

As soon as a youth becomes a member, so do their parents or guardians. Personal involvement of a youth’s parents in Troop activities is expected. We’ve noticed over the years that there is a significant correlation between the degree of interest and involvement by the parents and his or her child’s success in Scouting. (See Troop Committee for more on adult involvement in the Troop.)

New members are placed in a patrol with older Scouts, who serve as Troop guides. This is designed to advance them to First Class during their first year of membership.

The Scoutmaster or the Scoutmaster's representative will meet with the parents of new Scouts to discuss how the Troop operates and how the parent's commitment is important to the success of each Scout.